KATS scoop NODA Award for Best Musical
On Saturday 20th May, 8 members of Kingsbridge Amateur Dramatic Society, dressed to the nines, attended the glitzy annual NODA (National Operatic and Dramatic Association) Award Ceremony at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Plymouth.
The society had been nominated for not one but 3 of NODA’s prestigious awards; ‘The Wilfred Roe Trophy for Stage Décor, ‘The Peter Wheeldon Memorial Trophy for a company crafted production,’ and ‘Best small musical production.’
All the nominations were for their 2022 production of Dolly Parton’s 9 to 5.
Iain Douglas the regional representative for NODA said the award for KATS was “well deserved.”
Carey Ryan-Carter who had directed and choreographed the show said, “I had never been to a NODA Awards dinner and wasn’t sure what to expect. I think I had underestimated how large an event it was; the huge hall was packed with people in sequined evening gowns and dinner suits. There were representatives from all over the South West region. We were up against societies from as far afield as Gloucester, Bristol, Bournemouth, Cornwall and even the Channel Islands.
I knew we had already won the ‘District 4 Achievement Award’ and I was honoured to go up and receive that on KATs behalf but then we had a nail biting wait to see if we would win anything else. We were not upset not to win the first award and were just happy to be there, but when we didn’t win the second one, all our hopes were pinned on the last one which in my mind was arguably the most important.
We were sat on a round table and we all held hands and closed our eyes as they announced the winner of ‘Best Small Musical’. It didn’t register at first. But then I felt my arms being thrown up in the air and heard the screams of delight from the others and heard someone say, ‘Go on Carey you have to go up and get it,’ but I had insisted from the beginning that I wanted all of us to go together.
It takes more than one person to make a great show and everyone at that table had been part of the show’s success.
“It was also lovely to see Jill Clarke of another local society MAD receive the ‘Councillor’s Award’ at the same event.
This was the first time this had been awarded to an individual. It was an unexpected surprise to her and us and fantastic that our 2 local societies could celebrate together afterwards on the dance floor!”
9 to 5
Hard work and talent pays off! Officially recognised in the NODA awards… the KATS team are feeling thrilled. Acceptance speeches were needed…
The 2022 District 4 Regional Excellence Award for 9 to 5
NODA SW Cup for Best Small Scale Musical – 9 to 5
Wilfred Roe Cup for Stage Decor –
9 to 5
Peter Wheeldon Cup for Best Company Crafted Production – 9 to 5

9 to 5
the theatre experience
about Us
KATS has been entertaining local audiences for over 100 years, with Trial by Jury as the first production in 1901.
All performers and crew are members of the Society, participating in the productions and enjoying plenty of social get togethers too.